12 Tips for a Positive Electrolysis Experience

electrolysisYou may have heard a lot about electrolysis. Some may say it takes too long, others may say it can be a bit painful. Whatever your concern, there are many things you can do to achieve an enjoyable electrolysis appointment. Please read the below list of tips for a very “smooth” session:

1. Stay out of the sun for 48 hours before your treatment to avoid dilation of the blood vessels and use sunscreen!

2. Make sure skin is moisturized. Using a simple, light lotion the day before or the day of treatment will help your skin from drying out. Please feel free to inquire with us about recommended products for moisturizing before treatments. There are several brands we suggest and offer for sale in our office. Prior to treatment, avoid any ointments or creams that could zap all the hydration out of your skin, such as witch hazel. Note that witch hazel is great to use after appointments since it is anti-inflammatory and helps to tighten freshly opened pores.

3. Drink water! Hydration is key for maintaining supple and elastic skin, which affects a lot of aspects of electrolysis treatments. To begin with, the electrolysis probes will slide into the follicle more easily. Also, the hair follicles will more seamlessly detach from their roots during the plucking process. If you are dehydrated, it may cause hairs to break at the surface during tweezing, leaving skin feeling not as smooth as it could be. Being hydrated may even help the treatments feel less painful overall. Hydration can help skin heal more quickly as well. No need to drink too much water, as you will not want to be hopping to the bathroom throughout the duration of your appointment! Also, make sure to drink at least one-to- two liters per day for general health in between appointments.

4. Try to stay relaxed. A hectic or stressful day may lead to a more uncomfortable electrolysis session. This is because skin may be more tight and sensitive during this time. Try to take some deep breaths or listen to music before and during the appointment. We offer light music in our office, which typically helps to ease or reduce any tenseness.

5. Avoid caffeine and sugar before your appointment. This can make you irritable and your skin more sensitive.

6. Some people find that being tired for their appointment works well for them because they can rest. Some clients even sleep on the table while being treated. Taking this time to rest might help it go faster and minimize pain.

7. Let the electrologist tweeze ingrown hairs. We are experts at this! With our strong light and proper angle, we can view the hair beneath the skin and the direction it is in. We can successfully treat these hairs. There is no need to wax, shave or pluck these ingrown hairs on your own, as it could possibly risk inflammation or making the problem worse.

8. Try a mild pain reliever such as Advil 30 minutes before your appointment to reduce discomfort during the appointment and any swelling or aching afterwards.

9. Another way to reduce pain is cooling spray, which numbs the skin temporarily. If you are interested in this, please inquire at your appointment as we have it available.

electrolysis10. Wear comfortable clothes. Putting on anything too tight (such as leggings or pantyhose) may rub against the skin and cause the newly opened follicles to feel irritated. Loose fitting clothes will help begin the healing process because it lets the skin breathe and have access to fresh air.

11. For longer appointments, make sure to eat a snack or meal beforehand. This will help you to feel satisfied and comfortable throughout your session.

12. For female clients, certain times of the month may affect your pain threshold. Many women find that the week before and during menstruation is typically more sensitive. It is completely up to you if you want to avoid booking appointments at this time. Note that we can always use a weaker setting during this time if you still want to be treated. Whether you have been doing electrolysis for years, or haven’t yet started, we hope that these tips help your next session be the best one yet! Our goal for all of our clients is for them to enjoy their hair removal process as much as possible. We do all that we can to make your session positive and comfortable. Please contact Limoges Beauty today!