Electrolysis for Men

Just like women, many men don’t like hair on their bodies. The difference is that hair removal methods are primarily marketed towards women. This has lead to the societal belief that cosmetic services are only for women and that only women care about electrolysistheir looks. There is the stereotype that in order for men to be ‘macho’ or ‘manly,’ they have to be rugged and not spend time on their looks. The fact is that men do care about style and looking their best. More and more men are turning to cosmetic services like electrolysis to improve their physical appearance, boost self-confidence and reveal their true self.

It’s completely normal for both sexes to be sensitive about hair, as many of us just want to look our best for ourselves and for our partners. Whether in business or social settings, many men enjoy the feeling of a well-groomed appearance.



For men, hair can show up in all sorts of places and be especially embarrassing if it’s thick, dark or full of ingrown hairs. The typical facial areas of treatment include neckline, ears, eyebrows and beards. Ears are difficult, or simply unattainable, area to shave or pluck. This is a more commonly treated area for older men. Eyebrows are simple to shape and easy to remove the unwanted hair in the middle of the brow. Beards are commonly home to aggravating ingrown hairs and other skin irritations that come along with shaving. Electrolysis can treat these conditions.electrolysis

Imagine not plucking or shaving these areas ever again. Though shaving is easy, it is an extremely time-consuming maintenance method that only yields temporary results. Not to mention, shaving greatly increases risk of ingrown hairs. Removing hair with electrolysis; results in a clean, smooth and polished look that is permanent.

Other areas commonly treated for men include: back, chest, hairline and shoulders.


Every type of hair can be treated regardless of skin color, hair color, hair thickness, or hair direction (curly or straight). The length of treatment depends on the amount of hair being treated, previous use of hair removal methods, and other factors such as stress or genetics. Typical treatments range from 15 minutes to one hour long depending on the area being treated.

We perform a confidential consultation to review your areas of concern and offer you a personalized treatment plan.  Electrolysis has been around for over 130 years, is approved by the FDA and AMA and is the only proven method of permanent hair removal. Stop worrying about stigma and book your free consultation today.