Rejuvenate Your Hands with Radiesse


As we age, our hands are one of the first areas to show signs of aging. Thinning skin reveals unsightly bones and veins on the back of the hands, making them a telltale sign of aging. Factors such as sun exposure and the natural aging process decrease the production of natural collagen and elastin. This is a leading to a loss of volume and elasticity. Fortunately, you can rejuvenate your hands with Radiesse injections. These injections are an effective solution to turn back the clock on aging hands.

How Radiesse Works

Radiesse is a dermal filler made up of calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA), which is a biocompatible substance that naturally occurs in the body. The CaHA gradually absorbs and metabolizes, making it a safe and effective option for hand rejuvenation. Radiesse works by immediately replacing lost volume in the hands, which plumps up the skin but also smooths out wrinkles and reduces the visibility of bones and veins.

A key benefit of Radiesse is its ability to stimulate new collagen production. As the CaHA particles are absorbed, they encourage the body to produce its own collagen. Furthermore, it enhances the skin’s texture and elasticity over time. This dual action of immediate volume replacement and long-term collagen stimulation makes Radiesse a popular choice to improve the appearance of hands.

Post Radiesse Treatment

Post  Radiesse treatment, the results to last up to one year. The longevity of the results depends on individual factors such as skin type, age, and lifestyle.  The effects of Radiesse are long-lasting and natural-looking. Moreover, repeated treatments often require fewer injections as the skin’s collagen production continues to improve with each session.

In summary, consider scheduling an appointment at Limoges Beauty to inquire about Radiesse for your hands.. Our professionals are dedicated to providing personalized treatments to help you achieve your aesthetic goals. Don’t let aging hands give away your age. Embrace the rejuvenating power of Radiesse and enjoy smoother, more youthful hands today.

Anti Aging Skin Care Treatment for Hands
Service Type
Anti Aging Skin Care Treatment for Hands
Provider Name
Limoges Beauty,
1239 Broadway, Suite 507, ,New York,New York-10001,
Telephone No.646-894-1830
New York
Revitalize your hands with Radiesse injections, which restore volume, improve skin elasticity, and stimulate collagen production for a youthful appearance that lasts up to one year.
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Emily graduated from the Business school at University of Massachusetts, Amherst, with a Degree in Operations and Finance. After seven years in the corporate world, she founded Limoges Beauty to specialize in permanent hair removal. Emily personally understands the impact of unwanted hair and has undergone both electrolysis and laser treatments, motivating her to help others achieve similar results. Originally from Vermont, Emily enjoys fostering cats, attending live concerts, and practicing yoga in her free time.