Overview of Popular Hair Removal Methods

Understanding Hair Removal Methods: Electrolysis Session at Limoges Beauty NYC and Other Options

When you first started growing unwanted hair, what options did you feel you had to get rid of it? Or did you even know there were a variety of methods available? The vast majority of adolescents and young adults going through puberty count on shaving to get them through. But what if they had been aware of alternative methods? What if there was a better option for their skin type or hair type? Even as an adult today, you might not know all of the hair removal methods available to you. When you are informed, you can make the best possible decision for your needs. In this article, we will describe the key approaches to hair removal and how they work: electrolysis, laser, shaving, waxing, sugaring, depilatories, and tweezing. Choosing the best technique for you could save valuable time, money, and energy in the long run.

Key Hair Removal Methods


The three key methods of electrolysis are called Thermolysis, Galvanic, and Blend. Electrolysis works by destroying the growth center of the hair with chemical and/or heat energy by using a fine probe. Once the hair is treated, it is carefully removed with a pair of tweezers. Each individual hair follicle is targeted one at a time. This method works on both the face and body. Depending on the area being removed, your past history of hair removal techniques, and your treatment schedule, electrolysis can take anywhere from one to three years. The side effects of electrolysis can include slight swelling or redness. One unique feature of electrolysis is that it is the only FDA-approved method of permanent hair removal. Once hairs are fully treated, they will never grow back. Experience the benefits of an electrolysis session at Limoges Beauty NYC and enjoy the serene, professional environment.


Laser hair removal works by emitting light into the hair follicle roots. Pigment in the follicles absorbs the light, which destroys the hair. The laser can treat small sections at a time and can treat large areas fully. The process of laser can take anywhere from six to twelve sessions to see results, though some people will need more than 12 sessions to keep unwanted hair at bay. This method could work temporarily or permanently, though for most people it is not permanent and requires years of maintenance. Some compare the zapping feeling to a rubber-band pinch. Prior to laser, one should not pluck, wax, or undergo electrolysis. Before and after laser hair removal is performed, it is important to stay out of direct sunlight, which could decrease effectiveness. Laser is typically performed by a technician or a doctor.


Shaving works by removing hair at the surface using a razor blade. It is a temporary method and can be time-consuming. It has the ability to clear both small and large surface areas. Though cost-effective, shaving can result in cuts, abrasions, rashes, and folliculitis bumps. Shaving is done at home.


Waxing works by smoothing skin with hot wax and, once dried, pulling strips off to remove entire hair follicles. This method can be painful and not ideal for sensitive skin. Also, since hairs grow at different rates and waxing best targets medium-longer hairs, the shorter stubbly hairs will likely stay behind on your skin, causing an unfinished, unsmooth feel. This is a temporary fix and maintenance is required every 4-6 weeks. Waxing can be done at home or by a technician.


Sugaring works to remove hair by the roots using a gel combination of sugar, lemon, and hot water. It can be applied all over the body in larger or small areas. It is a quite gentle technique but can still cause irritation. Sugaring lasts longer than waxing and will take several treatments to be completely removed. Unlike waxing, sugaring pulls at just the hair, not the skin. This method is typically performed by a technician.


Depilatories are topical treatments for unwanted hair. These could include creams, lotions, gels, or powders. They work because the chemicals in the products weaken the hair so it can be conveniently wiped off. Popular brands include Nair and Veet. Given that instructions are carefully followed, this process should be pain-free, inexpensive, fast, and quite easy to do. However, the effects of depilatories are short-term. Hair will begin to appear within two to five days after removal. Odors can occur as well as irritation if performed on sensitive skin. This method can be performed at home.


Tweezing works by plucking individual hairs at a time, so the entire follicle is removed. This is best suited for smaller areas, such as the eyebrows and must be maintained every few weeks. This is cost-effective, yet can be time-consuming. It can be irritating to sensitive skin. This method can be performed at home or by a technician.

Whenever seeking an outside cosmetic service, please check the credentials of the technician as well as make sure the office is kept clean.

At Limoges Beauty NYC, we pride ourselves on top-notch service and are here to answer any questions you may have about types of hair removal. Many of our clients claim they wish they had started electrolysis sooner after learning all the other methods are truly temporary. We have many clients that are ecstatic about their results and keep coming back for more areas to treat. Don’t wait any longer – call us today for a free consultation and book your electrolysis session at Limoges Beauty NYC!

Hair Removal Method Comparison Chart

Hair Removal Method Works Best On Body Parts Pain Level Possible Downsides Time to Notice Results Maintenance
Electrolysis All skin and hair types All Mild – Strong Swelling and redness Weeks-Months None because it is permanent
Laser Light skin and dark hair All Mild – Strong Redness Months – Years Hair is reduced but requires lifetime maintenance
Shaving Large areas All None Likely to cause ingrown hairs, razor burn, cuts Immediate Lifetime maintenance
Waxing Not suitable for those with circulatory problems or diabetes Not suitable for sensitive areas Strong Burn potential and can cause ingrown hairs Immediate Lifetime maintenance
Sugaring Fine, long, peach fuzz hair Not suitable for certain facial areas Mild Irritation Immediate Lifetime maintenance
Depilatories Large areas Not suitable for certain facial areas None Irritation Immediate Lifetime maintenance
Tweezing Stray random hairs Not suitable for larger areas Medium – Strong Redness Immediate Lifetime maintenance
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Emily graduated from the Business school at University of Massachusetts, Amherst, with a Degree in Operations and Finance. After seven years in the corporate world, she founded Limoges Beauty to specialize in permanent hair removal. Emily personally understands the impact of unwanted hair and has undergone both electrolysis and laser treatments, motivating her to help others achieve similar results. Originally from Vermont, Emily enjoys fostering cats, attending live concerts, and practicing yoga in her free time.